Luke thought Jodi had borrowed trousers from her sister/borrowed clothing theory

There has been much discussion regarding the possibility of Jodi borrowing clothing from her sister. The 'borrowed' T shirt theory as an explanation for the presence of semen from Jodi's sister's boyfriend, seemed to be accepted by the Police, but not by others who question whether this was properly investigated. It has recently been said on social media, that the bra Jodi was wearing on the night of the murder also tested positive for the presence of blood from the same individual - her sister's boyfriend - although I can't find any other sources on this. Innocents Betrayed, pages 106&107 "There is another coincidence concerning the borrowed t-shirt story. On July 16th , Jodi’s aunts made a media appeal for anyone who suspected someone close to them, who may be “in unacceptance” (sic) to come forward. In this appeal, they said, “ Also typical is the fact that she borrowed her sister’s clothes without asking, was untidy and at times liked to tease her...