Luke thought Jodi had borrowed trousers from her sister/borrowed clothing theory

There has been much discussion regarding the possibility of Jodi borrowing clothing from her sister. The 'borrowed' T shirt theory as an explanation for the presence of semen from Jodi's sister's boyfriend, seemed to be accepted by the Police, but not by others who question whether this was properly investigated. It has recently been said on social media, that the bra Jodi was wearing on the night of the murder also tested positive for the presence of blood from the same individual - her sister's boyfriend - although I can't find any other sources on this.

Innocents Betrayed, pages 106&107

"There is another coincidence concerning the borrowed t-shirt story. On July 16th, Jodi’s aunts made a media appeal for anyone who suspected someone close to them, who may be “in unacceptance” (sic) to come forward. In this appeal, they said, “Also typical is the fact that she borrowed her sister’s clothes without asking, was untidy and at times liked to tease her brother, sister and other members of the family ...” 

Is it just coincidence that the aunts mentioned borrowing clothes without asking, at the very time a DNA profile from Kelly (Jodi's sister's then boyfriend) was found on Jodi’s t-shirt and he and Janine were being asked about the possibility of Jodi having borrowed a t-shirt without asking? Is it just an amazing coincidence that Janine had two identical t-shirts, one of which Jodi borrowed without her knowledge and both girls ended up wearing those identical t-shirts on the same evening, even though they lived in different houses? And an even more amazing coincidence that it turned out to be correct that Jodi was wearing that particular t-shirt, even though the other black t-shirts in Jodi’s room had not been checked? Or was the entire family being quietly manipulated, without them knowing?"

A Herald article from 22nd December 2004, reporting the trial, referenced a tape played from Luke's 4th July interview with DC Quinn. 

"THE Jodi Jones murder trial yesterday heard a taped police interview in which the accused discussed his sexual relationship with the schoolgirl and his interest in horror films.

The jury listened to the interview with Luke Mitchell, which was recorded over several hours at a police station - days after he found Jodi's body near the woodland shortcut between their homes."

DC Quinn described the voluntary interview as "quite genial, a fairly relaxed conversation".  

It goes on to say "Mr Mitchell also made reference to the cord jeans he said Jodi had been wearing "on Monday night", which he thought had been borrowed from Janine, her sister."

The 'Monday night' part aside (the night of the murder) - perhaps that's a different conversation? - what made Luke think that Jodi had borrowed her sister's trousers? Was that something she was known to do? 

There are no claims being made in this blog about whether the T shirt was borrowed or not, or whether Jodi's sister's then boyfriend's blood was actually on her bra - but it is interesting that Luke appeared to be the first to mention Jodi borrowing clothing from her sister - this was before the DNA results were returned on July 16th 2003, and before Jodi's aunts gave their media appeal mentioning borrowed clothes.

Herald article:


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