Shane didn't remember seeing Luke - but Why did Luke say Shane wasn't in the house?


Luke's statements are read out during Corinne's testimony: 

4th July 03 interview

In regards to Luke having his tea before he left to wait for Jodi:

Police: Was that with Shane and your mum?

Luke: My mum. Mum you were there, Shane wasn't was he?

Corinne: No

Corinne explains that she meant Shane was upstairs

Further on...

Police: Did you see Shane?

Luke: He wasn't in so I'd say no

Police: So Shane wasn't in at that point? 

Corinne: Well did he not give you the torch?

Luke: Aye that was when I went out looking for Jodi, not at this point

Police: So Shane wasn't in at that point?

Luke: Yeah, Shane wasn't in the house when I left, no. (Page 2425 onwards) 

14th August 03 interview

A discussion about teatime:

Luke: He wasn't there when I first left to originally go out and wait for Jodi at the end of the estate

Police: Oh right, he wasn't there? 

Luke: No, he wasn't home

Police: So what time did you go out to look for Jodi at the end of the estate?

Luke: It would have been about half 5

Police: Half five and Shane wasn't in?

Luke: Not that I can remember, no

Shane is asked during the second day of his testimony, whether he would have seen Luke, if Luke had been there, he replies "Yes".

Advocate depute: You say you don't recollect now whether he was there or not?"

Shane: Uh-huh

Advocate depute: But equally if he was there he would be able to see you?

Shane: Yes

Advocate depute: Yes?

Shane: Unless he was out in the garden Pa12012005.html (Page 2151)

Another statement from Luke was read out during Corinne's testimony where he said he thought Shane was going to be later (home). another statement, Luke said that Shane arrived home before his mum. 

According to Shane's testimony, he didn't leave the house until around 6.20pm (having previously arrived home from work around ten to 5pm), so why did Luke say that Shane wasn't home at around 5.30pm? There is no mention of Shane leaving the house before 6.20pm. 

Luke said that Shane would be arriving home later, but also that Shane was home before his mum (5.15pm) but also that Shane was not home at 5.30pm.


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