Andrina Bryson testimony VS Innocents Betrayed


Page 125 of Innocents Betrayed: Mrs Bryson picked out Luke’s photo as “very like” the person she saw on the afternoon of June 30th, even though she was clear that she did not see the face of that person.

What do the transcripts say?

This same statement appears to be read out during page 183 of Mrs Bryson's evidence: 

"Image 4 is very, very like the male I saw at the top of the path".

The witness also goes on to say (and this is not mentioned in Innocents Betrayed)

In regards to the photograph - "It looked like a person who was there that day, yes"

She is questioned regarding pointing out the photograph showed to her by Police

And did you point that photograph out to Police? - I did, yes

And why did you point that person out to the Police, who did, do you think the person was? - I took it to be the person I saw that day

She also said "I'm sure as I can be that it is the same male"

The age of the girl at the path

Innocents Betrayed, page 123: She did not see her face and could not guess an age. 

Actually, the witness did provide an estimate of the age of the girl

From her original statement given to Police on July 2nd 2003:

"I would describe the girl as female, white, approximately 15-16 years, 5 ft 5 inches, slim build. Dark hair, quite thick, not straight, possibly a wavy wave or curl through it. Her hair reached down on to and just past her shoulders"


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