The jury WERE aware that the charges of perverting the course of justice had been dropped

One of the claims being made by campaigners, is that the jury were not made aware of the charges of perverting the course of justice being dropped - see image below:


The jury were made aware - see below for clarification:

Page numbers for clarification regarding the jury hearing of Shane Mitchell's charges being dropped; 12/01/05 page 2079 - The jury leave the courtroom

In the time between the jury leaving and returning, defence QC Donald Findlay makes an argument that the proceedings against Shane Mitchell for perverting the course of justice, should be dropped. This is eventually agreed after some lengthy discussion.

Page 2132 - The jury return to the courtroom 13/01/05 page 2239 - Shane agrees, in front of the jury, that he had been told that there would be no proceedings against him - pages below:

Images below:


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