They've just left? Luke's statement from July 4th 2003

Innocents betrayed page 60: "Part way through the police interrogation on July 4th having said that he didn’t think he had spoken to Jodi by phone on June 30th, Luke said, “No, wait, I did phone. I phoned the house... her mother’s boyfriend answered it. He said Jodi had left... he said they’d just left. I think he just meant Jodi.”

Luke's statements from July 4th were read out during the trial: 

"Wait. I phoned when I was out. I phoned them when I was out the house and I said has Jodi left yet and they went "She's just left a wee while a go", I think it was (incomprehensible).



 What seems to be a transcript from Luke's 4th July 03 interview has just recently been shared online by one of the groups, pointing out that Luke replied 'they've' just left, after the part read at trial. This is the first time that this has been shared publicly, with both parts of this statement.

 In Innocents betrayed, the statement, in quotations begins with "wait, I phoned when I was out...". The 'wait' part correlates with the beginning of the trial transcript statement (above), however "she's just left" is not mentioned and instead, the book skips to 'they've' - hence the confusion and reasons for the questions.


This particular point seems to now have been clarified.

          There are, however, a significant number of discrepancies which remain to be addressed.

Below: Screen shots from Luke's support groups



DC Towers evidence/Luke's statement at trial:


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