The destruction of productions - why so long to act on the information?


In November 2022, the story broke in the Scottish Sun, that Police had destroyed evidence from the Jodi Jones murder case. The claim was, that this had been done illicitly:

The article states: "It then emerged that detectives had mysteriously taken it all away in September 2021 - just a few months after a shock TV documentary claimed there was major doubt on Mitchell’s guilt."

According to Scott Forbes, when the documentary aired, somebody was told by a member of the Police that the productions from the case were being destroyed.

The documentary aired on Channel 5 in February 2021. 

In an interview in November 2023, Mr Forbes said that the Police person had come to him "maybe 18 months ago", which would be around May 2022 - 15 months after the documentary first aired. 

If it is the case that someone was informed near the time of the documentary, that there was any possibility that the productions may be at risk, why did it take until November 2022 for the destruction of evidence story to break and for the legal team to halt the disposal? Why did the Police person have to approach Mr Forbes instead?

If, as the Sun article had stated, the preparation for the destruction began in September 2021, that's still around 8 months before Mr Forbes said that the Police person contacted him - and 12 months before the story broke.

Who was the first person who was informed - and why didn't they act sooner? It has been claimed that only 10% of the productions remain - could more have been saved, if the first person had acted sooner?

On 11/01/24 Scott Forbes responded to questions regarding the evidence destruction:

But the first mention of any undertaking to prevent the destruction of evidence is 16th November 2022, as stated in a letter read out by Sandra Lean in a YouTube update in April 2023: (2:50)

"I can confirm the undertaking provided by COPFS and Police Scotland on the 16th November 2022, that no productions that remained held would be disposed of, and this undertaking still stands"

Mr Forbes said that he was not made aware of the destruction until "maybe 18 months ago"/around May 2002 - and there is no mention of any demand for the destruction to be halted before this point, or indeed, until November 2022. If the whistle blower was being ignored until contacting Scott, there would have been no one to attempt to ensure any undertaking prior to this point - and if there was, then surely there would be no need for them to contact Scott? 


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