The Black Dahlia theory


Where did the Manson theory come from? 

This blog isn't intended to argue guilt or innocence, we will take a look at the Manson theory, possible origins and relevance to the case.

IB Page 230:  "During Luke’s first interview as a Voluntary Attender on July 4th, Marilyn Manson was mentioned several times – each time the investigating officers came back to the music Luke liked, even though he’d told them his favourites were Eminem and Nirvana, he was “reminded” about Manson. The question is why? Luke did not express any particular interest in Manson, yet the investigating officers added his name to any list of preferred bands or musicians that Luke volunteered."

During a discussion with Dr Campbell at some point prior to October 2004 - after his arrest, Luke explains who Elizabeth Short was and that she was portrayed by dancers in the Marylin Manson DVD. He describes the injuries sustained by Short, including chunks of skin removed from her chin and left breast and injuries across her face and abdomen. He said he looked the information up on a website after he bought the DVD on Wednesday 2nd of July (2 days after the date of Jodi murder). It's not clear how long after or where, that Luke accessed this information. 

IB page 230: "The week after Jodi’s murder, Luke picked up a music magazine in a local supermarket – inside was a “bonus” promotional Marilyn Manson DVD (not the full version). Aside from a torn up calendar, that was the only item Luke owned related to Manson. Jodi had been a fan, as was her sister Janine; Luke had no real interest until Jodi introduced him to her favourite track. The DVD depicted two naked young women being bound and gagged, amongst clips of stage footage, leading the prosecution to demand of the jury, “Why would he choose to watch such a thing after finding his girlfriend murdered?” It is important to note that Luke did not know, when he bought the magazine, what the bonus DVD contained. As a result, he could not have “chosen” to watch “such a thing” – until the DVD started playing, he did not know what he was about to see."

We know that the DVD didn't come free with Kerrang, it was purchased as a stand alone item, 2 days after Jodi's murder. A little research in to Kerrang magazine issues available at the time confirms that there was no bonus DVD containing said Manson footage. There was an article in Kerrang on May 10th discussing the Black Dahlia paintings and Manson's work. 

IB page 233: "The Manson/Dahlia connection did that job for them. Having asserted forcefully that Luke was “obsessed” with Manson and the Dahlia paintings, it was but a short hop to introduce other “evidence” of Luke as a dark, sinister youth with dark sinister intentions."

Luke discussed Manson in a letter from prison, to a pen pal:

He states that he loves Manson but that the Black Dahlia case didn't interest him until he was arrested (14th April 2004). He says that since then he's researched it but never fantasised about it. When Corinne was questioned about where Luke might have accessed information about the Dahlia case, she suggested that he might have done this at his dad's. This would have to have been before his arrest. However, upon some investigation, it can't be ruled out that Luke would have been able to access the internet after his arrest and before conviction, in order to look up the Black Dahlia case.

But...according to an NME article, Luke spoke to DC Stephen Quinn on July 4th and said in regards to the DVD: 

“It is a weird sort of gothic video.”

Mitchell described the contents as “trancestyle”, with Manson “saying random words and stuff” over film of a car driving down a road in the middle of the night.

Contrary to Innocents Betrayed seeming to imply that Luke had little to no interest in Manson at that point.

What were the similarities between injuries on Jodi Jones and Elizabeth Short?

Elizabeth Short, quoting Wikipedia: "Short's face had been slashed from the corners of her mouth to her ears, creating an effect known as the "Glasgow smile'. Jodi, quoting Professor Busuttil; "mutilated... and her cheek from ear to mouth". "...the cheek wound penetrated the skin to a depth of around half an inch...".

Elizabeth Short, quoting Wikipedia: "Newbarr also noted superficial lacerations on the right forearm, left upper arm, and the lower left side of the chest."

From Luke's the 2008 appeal: "She had a number of injuries, including cuts to the throat, the right cheek, the left breast, numerous cuts to the stomach and cuts round both eyes".

Elizabeth Short, quoting Wikipedia: "The lacerations on each side of the face, which extended from the corners of the lips, were measured at three inches (75 mm) on the right side of the face, and 2+12 inches (65 mm) on the left.[48] The skull was not fractured, but there was bruising noted on the front and right side of her scalp, with a small amount of bleeding in the subarachnoid space on the right side, consistent with blows to the head"

From Luke's the 2008 appeal: "Extensive injuries to the face, chin, neck and head were consistent with punches, kicks or blows with a blunt weapon. One was severe enough to produce a contusion on the brain."

 Elizabeth Short: "Newbarr's report noted "very little" ecchymosis (bruising) along the incision line, suggesting it had been performed after death."

Jodi: Cutting injuries around the eyes, and deep cuts to the breast, arm and abdomen, had been inflicted after death

Elizabeth Short: Short's severely mutilated body was completely severed at the waist and drained of blood, leaving her skin a pallid white.

Jodi: Jodi did have deep cuts to the abdomen but not to the extent of Short's. Jodi would have had around 5 to 5.5 litres of blood, most of which she had lost, according to professor Bussutil. 

Professor Busttutil did say in the frontline Scotland documentary: "By no means can one say that because the injuries were the same size and caused by a similar way they therefor must have been produced by someone with intimate knowledge of the Dahlia murder" 

However, a BBC article states that at the trial, the professor said there were 'major similarities' (These transcripts will be made available soon)


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