The knife in the skip at Home farm WAS forensically examined and documented

An article in the Scottish sun 20/11/22, titled 'I found a knife in a skip near where school girl Jodi Jones was murdered - before it vanished', states:

"Lawyer Scott Forbes, part of Mitchell’s legal team, said: This is the real missing knife." 

“Like so much of the evidence, it was either destroyed or went missing if it didn’t fit the police narrative.”

A car mechanic from the Garage also said “When I learned it wasn’t documented, it raised my suspicions the police may have tried to conceal the discovery.”

Article Link:

Scott Forbes discusses the knife in the skip in an interview on YouTube channel Premeditated patter, 01/01/23. He says: 

"Recently we've found that they took swabs from that knife, but never tested it"

But the knife WAS documented and tested. Below are two Freedom of information responses regarding the knife in the skip:

From Police Scotland:

A response from the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) confirmed that although they themselves don't hold the results - the knife was forensically examined and the results were sent to COPFS:


A further freedom of information request has been submitted (by persons unknown) regarding the knife in the skip with the broken tip - and SPA have provided details. 

From the response:

When was the knife sent into the Scottish Police Authority for testing?

These productions were submitted to the Lothian and Borders Forensic Science Laboratory between 1st July 2003 and 30th June 2004. Productions 198 and 199 are listed on the productions as submitted to the lab on the 20th August 2003.

What type of knife was it? Please can you describe this knife in exact detail in terms of size, make, model and any unusual features etc. What was the labelling information for this knife?

Knife with sheath Labelled “Skip in yard of Newbattle House Farm 19th August 2003” (198) - The item was found to be a yellow plastic handled knife with a brown plastic sheath. The blade was 88mm long with a maximum width of 20mm. Some rusty patches. The blade was relatively blunt. The end of the blade was broken off. No blood was found on the item.

“Kershaw by Kai, Japan” etched into blade and also moulded/embossed into the plastic yellow handle. No unusual features other than the tip being broken off. No further details regarding make or model. It is not a folding or locking type knife.

What was the labelling information for this knife?

Piece of knife blade Labelled “within skip, Newbattle Home Farm, Newtongrange 20th August 03” (199)
This was found to be a metal piece of blade 11mm in maximum width and 28mm in maximum length. The piece of blade fitted to the knife with sheath described previously to form a complete knife. No blood was found on the knife. The broken blade was stained and dirty.

When were the results of the testing sent to the COPFS?

The report would have been sent to the Procurator Fiscal once the forensic report was signed and issued by the forensic scientist. The biology report was signed and issued on the 4th October 2004.

A Google search of those details brings up this image, it's possible the knife looked like this


  1. So hopefully you will hear back from COPFS who can advise that this weapon had nothing to do with the death of Jodi ie no blood on it and if blood was present as SF stated (if i remember right did Scott not say this , so by examined did they find any DNA on it , I would need that answered by the COPFS not a blanket statement that means nothing if you know what I mean.

    1. Hi, SPA have provided updated details on the knife - link above. The knife in the skip with the broken tip had no blood on it (neither the body or tip of the knife) and was branded 'Kershaw by Kai, Japan'. It appears it measured just under 4 inches when put together with the broken tip.


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